I got the greatest news of my life today.
Rammstein - the band I have been unabashedly in love with for 6 years - is performing a show at Madison Square Garden on December 11th of this year. This is a band that I have dreamed about more times than I can remember. A band who's music has moved me to fits of laughter, tears, and unbridled euphoria since the first time my sister's friend played one of their songs for me as I drove them around. A band that still reduces this 25-year-old woman to fits of fangirlism. A band who encouraged me to study German so I could better understand their lyrics. A band that has come to mean so much to me that I've had their lyrics inked into my shoulder.
And a band who has not performed in North America in 10 years.
A decade.
Which, of course, means I've never been given the opportunity to see them live. Let me tell you, it's one thing to never get to see your favorite band live but when said band is known for shows that look like this:
it hurts just a little bit more.
I know it hasn't really hit me and it probably won't until the curtain drops on the night of the show. Tickets go on sale October 9th and I will be a bundle of nerves until I get confirmation that my seat is safe.
For now though, I think I'll write out my dream playlist:
Weißes Fleisch
Du riechst so gut
Asche zu Asche
Du Hast
Links 2 3 4
Ich Will
Feuer frei!
Mein Teil
Keine Lust
Mann gegen Mann
Te quiero puta!
Ich tu dir weh
Waidmanns Heil
Liebe ist für alle da
Or they could just play their entire catalog. That'd be cool.
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