Friday, September 24, 2010
Wir Sind Für Die Musik Geboren

Thursday, September 16, 2010
Please Don't Use Those Stairs
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Dwight! You Forgot Your Bumper
So guess what?
It was one week ago yesterday that I drove into Somerville to start my new life and today I had my first shift at my new job. I’m working at with the Bostonian Historical Society selling tickets, ringing up purchases – things like that. It’s certainly no career but it’s a job that is giving me something to do, money, and time to adjust to my new surroundings.
I’m incredibly thankful and I’m pretty damned excited - even if I did end up getting into the city two hours before I had to because I was so damned paranoid about using pubic transportation. It’s probably safe to say I’ve got that covered now though; I’ve made several trips into the city by myself and got home tonight for the first time alone.
I guess that sounds strange to people out there who are used to buses and trains but I’m from the suburbs and drove my car everywhere. The only time I ever used public transportation was when I was on vacation. In time I’m sure I’ll learn it like the back of my hand and then come to love it . . . and probably hate it.
Until then, life goes on.
Tomorrow, I’m working until 5 and then going to try and get my laundry done and maybe hit the gym.
Either way, I’ll be (thankfully) busy.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Please, Pay Your Fare
And no job.
That is driving me a little nuts. Today was the first day since I got here that both my roommates were up early for work and since I had no where to be I felt . . . a little sad. I went on a long walk, did some grocery shopping and ventured out on the buses and trains by myself for the first time.
The buses are slowly starting to intimidate me less. I was never uncomfortable with the trains but the buses are so confusing! Still, I know the buses that will get me home and that’s really all that matters. That and having my iPhone; that delicious little piece of technology is making it much easier to get used to my new surroundings.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Y el Gringo se Asusto
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Shippin' up to Boston
A very good friend of mine from college came down and she, my sister, and I spent the entire day at Disney World. Understand, when I say all day, I meant we parked the car and didn’t get back into it until 12 hours later. We screamed on the Rockin’ Rollercoaster, we dined in England, we squealed with joy on Big Thunder Mountain and we nearly vomited on the magic teacups. All in all, it was an incredible, perfect, wonderful day and the perfect sendoff to my 25 years in Florida.
Then, I said goodbye to my friends at work and this morning I hugged my mom and my cat goodbye. That was hard. I still remember how my eyes burned.
Immediately after, I spent 14 hours in a truck, loaded with my entire life, with my Dad slowly traveling from Florida up to Virginia where we’ve stopped for the night, 800 miles from where we started. It really didn’t start to get bad until the 8th hour or so but the fact that I only slept about 2 hours last night surely didn’t help. Plus I got to see these:
which I hadn’t seen in a very long time.
Tonight will be a very, very different story. I had the best freaking beer I’ve ever had in my life, a delicious broccoli and cheese soup, salad and an amazing shower.
I fully intend to be unconsciousness within the hour.
Tomorrow, it’s on to Connecticut where Dad and I are spending another night before I finally reach my new home in Boston.
For now though, there is a comfy bed calling my name.